Sunday, January 26, 2020

Marxs critique of classical political economy

Marxs critique of classical political economy Classical political economy was a concept that dominated social thought within the nineteenth century; the development of such a period constituted a decisive stage within the attempt to understand the economic framework that essentially became relied upon for defining the basis of society. However Marx considered that the basis of the political economy ignored the prevalent relationship between elements of human alienation and exploitation that he argued derived from the inequalities caused by the condition of the capitalist political economy. When considering this further, Marx therefore relied upon an essential critique of the political economy in light of not only the previously mentioned relationship but similarly numerous other influential dynamics within the economy, as a consequence Marx continued to establish his critique of the economic system throughout his works in an attempt to ascertain true communism as a positive expression for the basis of society. The main concern when considering classical political economy is the regard of society as being a composition of various classes that functioned on the basis of economic purpose. Marx however recognised that in reality the theories surrounding classical political economy were unable to understand the significance of the economic purpose of the working class and the experienced struggle that consequently rooted itself within society. Marx therefore argued that the failure of classical political economy to separate human nature from the superficial construct of the economic class system possessed a dominant influence upon the ignorance of the proletarian class and the consequent focus upon the bourgeois class prevalent within society. Marx witnessed the inhumanity and irrationality surrounding human life and criticised it profusely in that the accepted capitalist economic system prevalent at the time considered it to be a natural occurrence with the progression of the economic system. As a consequence, Marx posited a class struggle between the proletarian and bourgeois economic classes, a struggle inherent and therefore inevitable within the capitalist, industrial society. With the increasing development of capitalism, class struggles became generalised across the economic system, Marxs critique consequently deemed class struggle as originating in the process of production and he therefore continued to argue that the conflict prevalent derives from the class antagonism of labour power. As a consequence of the class struggle the proletarian economic class were inevitably forced to sell their labour to achieve capital to survive and as a consequence Marx criticised that the capitalists had every intention of exploiting the labourers for maximum effectiveness within the production process, Capital is dead labor, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labor, and lives the more, the more labor it sucks. (Marx: 1990: 257). To theorise how the aforementioned exploitation became the routine within classical political economy Marx criticised how capitalism employed a standard, recognised framework by which the bourgeois minority monopolised the labouring majority in order to gain the most efficient means of production. When considering the previous criticisms of exploitation the influence upon human nature must also be recognised; it can be philosophised that Marx recognised that humans are fundamentally natural producers as he defined labour as mans self-confirm ing essence (Marx: 1833) and Marx therefore implemented a critique towards the evident distortion capitalism roots within human nature. It could be argued that the evident exploitation alienates the labourer from not only the act of production but similarly distances them from the products of their labour and as a consequence it has been argued that the alienation present becomes a process in which humanity progressively transforms into a stranger in a world created by labour (Swingewood: 2000). Furthermore, Marx continued to route his critique of the classical political economy within the establishment and understanding of the capitalist division of labour and its consequent exploitation and oppression of the proletarian economic class. Marx recognised that the division of labour within the economy succeeded in the efficient formation of profit and value and essentially agreed with Smith in that labour was the only real resource that constituted a productive economy yet his fundamental criticism was based upon the consequent exploitation of the labourer and their constant struggle within the economic system. Marx recognised within Smiths understanding of the political economy that he initially instigated an analysis of the capitalist mode of production. However, Marx continued to characterise that Smith in fact pays no concern to the operation of the inner foundations of the economic system and instead criticises Smith for merely recognising the immediate external and super ficial extraction of the benefits resulting from the successful implementation of the capitalist mode of production. When considering Smiths perspective further it becomes immediately evident that he accepted the proletarian struggle deriving from the economic division of labour as inconsequential and therefore argued that the exploitation was in fact the most successful method of capitalist production, consequently it could be argued that Smith degraded labourers to an abstract commodity within the production process as opposed to a living being. Furthermore, Marx criticised that Smith accepted that the desirability of the high productivity rate within his theory of the division of labour outweighed the evident exploitative costs, Political economy regards the proletarian like a horse, he must receive enough to enable him to work. It does not consider him, during the time when he is not working, as a human being (Marx: 1969), the consequent exploitation of the value of the labourer s contribution represented a qualitative increase in productivity within the production process and therefore an increase in profit for the bourgeois economic class regardless of the abhorrent conditions under which labourers are forced to work. It is therefore apparent as to Marxs justification behind his critique; Marx argued that Smiths dominantly capitalist perspective failed to initially recognise and therefore appreciate the standard of conditions that the proletarian labourers are forced to accept as adequate. Within the prevalence of the capitalist mode of production it can be considered that another fundamental element concerning the political economy is the recognition of the influence that the division of labour possesses upon the economic system. As a consequence of this, Ricardo proposed the Labour Theory of Value in an attempt to further understand the influence of labour value upon capitalist production techniques. The aforementioned theory proposes that the recognised value of goods is directly proportional to the extent of labour required throughout production. However, it is argued that Marx criticised that Ricardos thesis was essentially incomplete when considering the capitalist political economy as it disregards the exploitive nature of the income distribution between the bourgeois and the proletariat economic classes. Marx continued to criticise the capitalist mode of production as he connotes that the exchange value of goods was in fact deserved by the worker as opposed to the autocratic rule of the capitalist, however, as a consequence Marx proposed the concept of surplus value as a critique of the capitalist political economy. For Marx, the dominant increase in productivity resulted from the competitive and exploitive nature of the capitalists strife to obtain the maximum surplus value, or profit, possible from goods; it could therefore be argued that the surplus value obtained derives from the essentially unpaid labour appropriated by the capitalists within political economy. When considering the presentation of the aforementioned critique philosophised by Marx, his attempt to provide a solution for the criticisms of the political economy must also be examined. It could be argued that throughout his entire critique his desire to ascertain a sense of true communism within society evidently underpinned his justification behind his arguments. Marx essentially fought for the recognition of labour as an important factor within the capitalist production process; he proposed that through the implementation of true communism society could achieve and withhold a beneficial economic system Communism deprives no man of the ability to appropriate the fruits of his labour. The only thing it deprives him of is the ability to enslave others by means of such appropriations. (Marx: 2002) Marx continued to portray how communism would in turn regard the importance of the whole of society as opposed to the bourgeois minority. He consequently urged for the removal of the ineq ualities he continually criticised throughout the political economy and continued to justify such criticisms through arguing that the complete abolition of private property would equate to the removal of inequalities and eventually the elimination of the class struggle. Furthermore, it must be recognised that the political economy was premised upon the notion of private property and material ownership and when considering this further Marx argued that private property wasnt an explanation captured within the essence of human nature but rather a superficially constructed consequence of the political economies regard for the stratification of the economic class system. Ultimately, Marx argued for the free expression of everyone within society and the consequent desirability that rooted itself within his argument for communism as it was reliant upon the recognition of human freedom within the production process. In conclusion it is evident that the basis for Marxs critique of political economy is reliant upon the implications of the negative relationship established between the abstract regard of labour and the consequent human alienation present within the capitalist economic structure. Such critique continued through to his perspective of Smith and Ricardo and the apparent recognition Marx felt toward the evident disregard for the proletarian economic class. Ultimately it has been argued that Marxs desire for true communism, particularly when concerning the freedom of human nature, has established that the dominant criticism throughout the evaluation of classical political economy is the concept of the exploitive nature of the capitalist mode of production and the implications for inequalities that are established within society as a consequence of such a struggle.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Stakeholders in Tesco and College

a) For each of your chosen organizations describe 5 different stakeholders they have.List StakeholderTesco DescribeList StakeholderGrwp Llandrillo Menai StakeholderCustomersTheir main interests in the business are reliable quality, value for money, product availability, and customer service. They want to experience the best possible service and products which are good value for money.GovernmentTheir main interests in the business are that it operates legally, tax receipts and jobs. They want to make sure the business is offering jobs.SuppliersTheir main interests in the business long term contracts and prompt payments. They want prompt payments from the business.CommunityTheir main interests in the business are the environment, local jobs and local impact. They want to make sure that the business does not impact the environment negatively and that they are producing local jobs.EmployeesTheir main interests in the business are their salary and wages, job security, job satisfaction and motivation from the business. They want to make sure they are secure within their job, enjoying it and also getting paid the right amount.SuppliersTheir main interests in the business long term contracts and prompt payments. They want prompt payments from the business.ManagersTheir main interest in the business is their salary, share options, personal job satisfaction and their status. They want to work their way up in the business.EmployeesTheir main interests in the business are their salary and wages, job security, job satisfaction and motivation from the business. They want to make sure they are secure within their job, enjoying it and also getting paid the right amount.ShareholdersTheir main interests in the business are profit growth, share price growth and dividends. They want a good return on their investments from the business.ManagersTheir main interest in the business is their salary, share options, personal job satisfaction and their status. They want to work their way up in the business.b) You need to explain the points of view of different stakeholders seeking to influence the aims and objectives of two contrasting organisations.Tesco StakeholderThe company’s aim and or objective this stakeholder has influence on or may attempt to influence What is the point of view of the stakeholder, what would they want and why would they want it? How can they influence the company?CustomersThe customer’s aims are to get the best quality products for minimum prices. The customers want a good quality service and products that are good for money. They want this because they want a satisfying shopping experience and not feel that they have to complain. The customers can influence the company Revenue / repeat business Word of mouth recommendationSuppliersThe suppliers aim is to sell their produce to a large organisation and a long term contract. The suppliers want a long term contract with Tesco and prompt payments. They want this so Tesco cannot sw itch suppliers in short notice. The suppliers can influence the businesses pricing, product quality and the availability of the product.EmployeesAn employee’s aim to provide good customer service.The employees want to make sure they are secure within their job, enjoying it and also getting paid the right amount. They want this so they have job satisfaction. The employees can influences the businesses staff turnover and the quality of the service.ManagersThe manager’s aim within the business is to ensure all the customers are fully satisfied and that the employees are working efficiently and providing good customer service. The managers want a good salary, personal job satisfaction and to work their way up in the business. They want this so they have personal job satisfaction. The managers can influence the business by making important decisions and by having detailed information about the business.ShareholdersThe shareholders aim within a business to own as many shares and have good returns. The shareholders want a good return on their investments from the business. They want this so they aren’t left short of money. The shareholders can influence the company as they can elect directors.Grwp Llandrillo Menai StakeholderThe company’s aim and or objective this stakeholder has influence on or may attempt to influence What is the point of view of the stakeholder, what would they want and why would they want it? How can they influence the company?CommunityThe communities aim is to ensure the company is successful and this could also bring jobs to the local community. The community’s influence within the business.could be that they could make some suggestions to change the structure of the business. The community want to make sure that the business does not impact the environment negatively and that they are producing local jobs. They want this so that the business does not impact the community negatively. The community can influenc e the business indirectly by local planning and opinion leaders.GovernmentThe government’s aim is to improve the welfare of the country's population. The government wants the business to be offering jobs to the local community and to be operating legally. They want this so that the college is boosting the economy now and in the future. The government can influence the company by introducing rules and regulations, subsidies, taxation and planning permission.SuppliersThe suppliers aim is to sell their produce to a large organisation and a long term contract. The suppliers want a long term contract and prompt payments. They want this because they don’t want the business to switch suppliers with no notice. The suppliers can influence the businesses pricing, product quality and the availability of the product.EmployeesAn employee’s aim to provide good customer service.The employees want to make sure they are secure within their job, enjoying it and also getting paid the right amount. They want this so they have job satisfaction and are happy at work. The employees can influences the businesses staff turnover and the quality of the service.ManagersThe manager’s aim within the business is to ensure all the customers are fully satisfied and that the employees are working efficiently and providing good customer service. The managers want a good salary, personal job satisfaction and to work their way up in the business. They want this so they have personal job satisfaction. The managers can influence the business by making important decisions and by having detailed information about the business.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Causes and Effects of Violence in Schools Essay

1.0 Report Objectives Sacred Heart School is an education institution. The Headmaster Mr Keenan would like to know why violence exists in the school grounds and the effects of violence and what can be done to eliminate this. This report is an analysis of the causes and effects of violence and suggested solutions to reduce the percentage of violence that exists on the school grounds. 1.2 Historical Background There are approximately 1500 students in this school, offering 8 different subjects. There are at least 5 teachers in each faculty, coming up to a total of 40 teachers. The percentage of violence that exists in the school grounds is steadily increasing, in different forms, between teachers as well as students, right from the Kindergarten classes up to the Advanced Level. The Headmaster of the school, Mr Zia Keenan wants this issue to be analysed deeply in order to draw up solutions to minimize violence. 1.3 Report Preview Firstly, the causes of violence are analysed to understand the root of the problem. Secondly, the effects of violence are evaluated to understand how serious this problem is. Thirdly, various potential solutions are suggested that could help minimize the percentage of violence. II. CAUSES 2.1 Abuse One of the major aspects of violence in schools is bullying. This could be because of lack of supervision and monitoring of children and/or teachers. Another form of abuse is displayed in the way some cannot control sexual urges and hence make advances on others. In defense, the victim retaliates. Vandalism takes place as a way of expressing emotion. It is a way to get back at the school and dictating teachers or peers. Students may be looking for ways to redeem themselves from orthodox individuals who believe that the only way to discipline students is by being strict with them. In this way, violence takes place. 2.2 Exposure to violence and harmful substances or items Exposure to violence influences one’s thoughts and actions. Weapons or dangerous toys like knives and pellet guns are easily available. This accessibility does little to prevent violence from taking place amongst individuals. Some individuals have been exposed to violence because they come from dysfunctional families or backgrounds. Exposure to violence, such as on television, video games, etc. as researched by Psychological Science in the Public Interest (Anderson, C. A. et al, 2003) leads to individuals imitating those acts. Hence they do not have proper judgment of what is right and wrong. They experiment with harmful substances which further damages this sense of discernment. â€Å"Easily available drugs add to the risk of violence.† (DHHS, 2001). When a person is ‘under the influence’, they are not themselves and are unable to think rationally. This leads to fights, disputes etc. as individuals are not in total control of themselves. This is related to peer pressure as an individual may have tried these substances or items because others have egged them on. They may have also been encouraged to pick on others and take part in fights, through no will nor motive of their own. As a result of which fights, violence and abuse occurs. 2.3 Lack of information Psychological problems hamper one’s way of life. They do not know how to deal with their raw emotions or self-related/emotional problems like stress and depression, for example. Some have biological problems, like ADD and Tourrette’s Syndrome. They cannot control their behavior. Other students may not understand this and reciprocate. Carol Miller Lieber, an educator at Washington University believes that violence in schools is a result of lack of information. Lack of information leads to conflict as individuals do not know how to solve problems that involve others, or their intolerance towards certain characteristics or behavior. They lack understanding. Therefore they take out their aggression on each other (Constitutional Rights Foundation, n.d.) III. EFFECTS 3.1 More violence and disorder The victims themselves turn into bullies. It is a never-ending cycle. If a  person was bullied, then he reciprocates. They can also become social outcasts, which hamper their learning of lessons in school, as well as in life. Violence in school grounds creates barriers to learning as victims are afraid to go to school, and hence they drop out. Furthermore, such intolerance and lack of information can further grow into racism or discrimination. This can give way to legal issues. It has a multiplier effect and can lead to more violence in society. There is a possibility that these individuals may later engage in criminal activity. In 1999, â€Å"Olweus, D., Limber, S., & Mihalic, S. claimed that 40 percent of the boys who were bullies – compared to 10% of those who were neither victims nor bullies – had three or more convictions by age 24† (Christeson, W. et al, 2003: 10).Fig 1.1 3.2 Psychological problems Sexual violence can give way to phobias. It may affect some so badly that they become incapable of trusting and communicating with others, out of fear. Victims end up with emotional problems, such as depression. They may want to take revenge as well, leading to more violence. Even teachers, who are potential victims of violence, can suffer from depression and low self-esteem. In 1993, the 27th Annual Survey of High Achievers calculated that among students, â€Å"26% had considered committing suicide, 4% had attempted suicide, 18% knew someone their own age who had committed suicide, and 41% knew another teen-ager who had attempted suicide†. (National School Safety Center, 2006: 24). The following graph appeared in a report by Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, written by Christeson W., Elliott D.S., Fox J.A. Kelikowske R.G., and Newman S.A. (2003) displayed that 52% of students who were bullied were either depressed or suicidal. 48% of them were not bullied or bullies themselves. Fi g. 1.2 3.3 Use of harmful substances and items Exposure to violence may make individuals irresponsible and encourage them to believe that the only way to deal with things is by being violent themselves – they carry weapons for protection. A survey carried out by USA Weekend found that 55% of the students knew that weapons were regularly carried to school (National School Safety Center, 2006: 32). Another graph that appeared in Fight Crime: Invest in Kids (2003) showed that 51% of the kids  who never bullied or were bullied at least once a week in school carried weapons. The remaining were Fig 1.3 injured in fights and were under the care of doctors or nurses. In addition, to deal with depression or psychological problems, one may resort to harmful substances like drugs. He may not be able to find a job because of traces of drugs found in his blood. His health is danger and these substances can lead to serious consequences. IV. SOLUTIONS 4.1 More attention should be given Parents, teachers and students should be made aware of and prepared for such occurrences. They should be taught how to handle with such situations. Teachers should be around on the school grounds whenever possible to make sure that the children as well as students behave in the way that they ought to. Teachers and students should also not hesitate to notify higher authorities if warnings are not received well. Higher authorities must not ignore such complaints. The school and faculty members should befriend the students rather than rule over them. They should have and encourage ethical behavior. Parents/friends/teachers should be encouraged to become better role models. 4.2 Programs Seminars could be held where individuals are taught to speak up against acts of abuse. They should be made aware of the effects of their actions as well as the effects of weapons, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, etc. Workshops could be held where one is taught to relieve stress in a positive manner, e.g. by writing, playing an instrument, anger management sessions, etc. School counselors should be hired to help students with emotional/self-related issues as well biological problems. The school should be made aware of such problems, and be informed about how to deal with them. Programs such as The Olweus Bullying Prevention should be adapted, as advised by Christeson, Elliot, Fox, Kelikowske, and Newman (2003) in order to help prevent bullying. 4.3 Rules and regulations Another way to reduce violence would be to pass laws. Weapons, drugs, etc. should not be sold to under-age people, for instance. Harmful weapons and substances should be confiscated upon sight. If other students know that  someone is carrying a weapon, s/he should inform an authoritative figure. This would help minimize chances of violence taking place. V. CONCLUSION In conclusion, violence has many causes, such as self-related issues, inability to express emotions (in a positive way), irresponsibility, poor self-control, peer pressure, lack of information, a response to prior acts of violence, easy accessibility to harmful substances/items, exposure to violence and ignorant guardians/supervisors. While violence is a universal problem and cannot be entirely wiped out, it can be reduced with proper education, (personality enhancement) workshops, awareness programs, sufficient attention from guardians or peers, taking action against those who do not act in the interest of others, passing laws, and people available to help those going through self-related problems, like counselors. This issue, if not dealt with as soon as possible will ruin the reputation of Sacred Heart School. Even if a small difference is made by adapting these solutions, it is still a difference nonetheless. VI. REFERENCE LIST Anderson, C. A., Berkowitz, L., Donnerstein, E., Huesmann, L. R., Johnson, J. D., Linz, D., Malamuth, N. M., Wartella, E., 2003, ‘The Influence of Media Violence on Youth’, American Psychological Society, [online], Vol. 4, No. 3. Available: [Accessed: 13/02/08] Christeson W., Elliott D. S., Fox, J. A., Kerlikowske R. G., Newman S. A., 2003, ‘Bullying Prevention is Crime Prevention’, Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, [online], p. 9-11. Available: [Accessed: 13/02/08] Constitutional Rights Foundation, n.d., Creating Alternatives to Violence, Available: [Accessed: 13/02/08] National School Safety Center, 2006, School Safety Statistics, p. 24. Available: [Accessed: 13/02/08] National School Safety Center, 2006, School Safety Statistics, p. 32. Available: [Accessed: 13/02/08] U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2001, Youth violence: a report of the Surgeon General. Available: [Accessed: 13/02/08]

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Comparing the Innocent Criminal in Black Boy, Uncle Toms...

The Innocent Criminal in Black Boy, Uncle Toms Children, Native Son, and The Outsider It is probably a mere accident that I never killed, Richard Wright commented offhandedly in an interview with Robert Moss (596). After reading several of Wrights works, one can easily understand what Wright means by this statement. In his books Black Boy, Uncle Toms Children, Native Son, and The Outsider, Wright suggests that white society has transformed black people into criminals. The source of this claim comes from Wrights personal experiences as a Negro in the Deep South. Whether pushed to crime from necessity or for personal fulfillment and self-realization, the protagonists of Wrights works are innocent criminals; they know†¦show more content†¦While sitting with his family on the porch, Wright piped up and had [his] say (133), even though he had no right to speak without permission. As his grandmother lunges toward him, Wright scrambles and avoids a slap; as a result, his grandmother falls down the stairs from her own momentum. Wright is forced to feel guilty a s his family blames him for Grannys injury. As he says in Black Boy: Had I done right or had I done wrong ? If I had held still and let Granny slap me, she would not have fallen. But was it not natural to dodge a blow ? (134) Wrights Aunt Addie confronts him and they argue: You see what youve done to Granny, she said. I didnt touch her, I said. I had wanted to ask how Granny was, but my fear made me forget that. You were trying to kill her, Aunt Addie said. I didnt touch Granny, and you know it! You are evil. You bring nothing but trouble! I was trying to dodge her. She was trying to hit me. I had done nothing wrong.... (134) Brutalized and misunderstood by both his family and his society, Wright developed personal characteristics that are reflected in his writing: rebelliousness, introversion, a quest for selfhood, a longing for stable and meaningful values, and an appetite for violence (Moss 596). As Wright struggles to escape this oppressive society, he resorts to petty crimes: sellingShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pageshe cannot keep up (literally!) with Dr. Robbin’s accomplishments on the track, Dr. Judge enjoys golf, cooking and baking, literature (he’s a particular fan of Thomas Hardy and is a member of the Thomas Hardy Society), and keeping up with his three children, who range in age from 23 to 9. Preface Welcome to the fifteenth edition of Organizational Behavior! Long considered the standard for all organizational behavior textbooks, this edition continues its tradition of making current, relevant research