Sunday, February 17, 2019

AND MICHEAL PORTE1 : AND MICHEAL PORTE1 :: Business and Management Studies:

AND MICHEAL PORTE1 AND MICHEAL PORTE1COMPARISON OF CHARLES HANDY AND MICHEAL PORTERIntroductionIn the in advance(p) age, when nature of management science is changingrapidly, ideas and work of few are helping the organizations andindividuals to cope with these changes. They are the people who laidthe foundation of upstart management studies, and are kn take in asmanagement gurus. Among the few bakshish management gurus Charles adept andMichael Porter are the one who had the lasting point on managementthought and writing. Both are unique in their own fields in many ways.My aim is to compare and melody the ideologies, work, and style ofthese two leading management gurus.Comparison & ContrastCharles Handy is an eminent management guru who has deliveredinsightful and humorous analysis of the management trade union movement for many years.He has developed great thinking and writing on management, arts,culture, business ethics. His writings are inspiring - philosophical,passionate , lively, enlightening Refreshing, thought-provoking,challenging and enkindle to read. It gives inspiration, argumentsand confidence to many of readers who are feeling beleaguered by thenew priorities and agendas face up the arts and management sciences.Charles Handy style is informative, readily accessible, and pepperedwith personal narration and reflection.Many other management thinkers create new models based on empiricalresearch and popularize them as their masterwork but Handys researchis based on his personal experiences, assessment and observations. Hestarted with his jump book, Understanding Organizations (1976,revised 1991) and later in his other book GODS OF instruction THECHANGING WORK OF ORGANISATIONS (1978) he used Greek gods in orderto explain his view in a more simplified form, by doing this he earn aunique style of writing in management literature.In the 1980s he developed his thinking and writing skills , virtuallymodern style of living and working, which he e xplain in his renownedbook The Age Of Unreason and The Future Of Work(1989), which pioneerednew ideas about the respect of knowledge and self-determination. Handysmessage is that we will not survive unless we respond to the originalway in which the world is changing. Handy was one of the first to pose the end of careers for life. His book, jointly written withJohn Constable, The Making Of Managers in 1988, criticized the rate of flowmanagement style adopted by managers, and advocated radicalimprovements to, UK management standards, which gave hook to theManagement Charter Initiative (which eventually choked on its ownbureaucracy). In the 1990s he focused increasingly on ethical andphilosophical issues for business and society, as reflected in hiscollection of observations, like in his phrase Waiting For The

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