Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Incest Essay -- essays research papers

IncestIncest is one and only(a) of the about(prenominal) interesting taboos of our sentence. The translation ofincest is a highly controversial topic. Yet, the definition of incest is one ofthe most Copernican definitions for the heap involved, though the integritys andpsychologists meanings are non much(prenominal) the same. Incest of necessity to be similarlydefined for the incestuous parties, twain by the law and by psychologists. Thedefinition of incest should be determined by the cases of incest. The people whocommit incest, and the types of incest should be considered when making thisdefinition for the law. Why incest occurs has a great deal to do with the peopleand the types of incest. With the definition dissimilar betwixt the law andpsychologists, it is very difficult for the involved to do anything about it.The definition is both stated as wrong by law and by most religious morals.According to psychologists, incest is defined as A- any intimate tangiblecontac t that is knowledgeablely arousing between non-married members of a family."(Justice, pg 25) What this is interpreted as is that sexual intercourse does notneed to occur for a situation to be considered incestuous. Stroking, fondling,or even intimately kissing can be considered incest. This is not all true forthe laws definition. In Georgia, incest is defined as any sexual intercoursebetween known relatives, by blood or by marriage, (meaning a step-parent andstep- kidskin.) Incest laws basically exist to prohibit marriage or inbreedingbetween family members, and the sentences are almost never carried out. (Kosof,pg 53) So incest is stated as wrong, notwithstanding not enforced. The Bible states thatincest is wrong, just as the law does. ACursed be he who has relations with hisfathers wife... Cursed be he who has relations with his sister or half-sister"(Deu 2720,22.) Therefore, the definition can be altered to fit the needs of thedefiner. The different forms of incest are as follows father-daughter, niggle-son, brother-sister, and father-son. Conditions of incest dont always involveintercourse, but mollify hurt the included. So, the conditions should help todefine the firm meaning. "But surely at fourteen, I should have been capable ofescaping..." (Armstrong, pg 7) Father-daughter is the most common form ofincest. three-quarters of all reported cases usually involve dad and his oldestdaughter. It is usually non-... ...ween mother and father. Momeither denies dad sex, there is a major career crisis, or opportunity knocks. Theopportunity for incest occurs when mother is gone all the time and so thedaughter assumes the role of the mother. When this happens, there is a need fortreatment. This is when the definition of incest is most important. The childrenare very scared and need confidence. If he/she tells a psychologist or teacher,that person is required by law to tell the government. (Kosof, pg 53) When theauthorities are contacted, the definition comes into play. The child wants tofeel safe, and if their definition of incest doesnt live up to the laws, thenthe charges could be dropped and the child gets into more problems with incest.Therefore, the background of the incest is very important to the lawsdefinition. By the people involved, the form, and why it occurs are critical tohelping the child out when defining the term. The definition of incest by thelaw should be nestled to the definition of psychologists in order to help out thefamily. AIt is evident that we inactive know very little about how to treat thesexual wrongdoer and the abused child effectively." (Kempe, pg 109)

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