Thursday, February 14, 2019

School Lunches Essay -- Social Issues, Childhood Obesity

School LunchesMore than a third of the countys children atomic number 18 overweight or obese.(Gustin, 1). As shocking as this is, its true. One of the overlarge reasons that children and teens are overweight is because of the foods that they eat. They are fed these fattening and unhealthy foods by the school system. Their futures quite a little be changed if we change our choices. Having more nutritious lunches end have a positive impact on the health of American teens.More than 76 percent of schools wander soft drinks and sweetened return drinks, but fewer than half offered bottles water. Fewer than 15 percent sell low-fat or nonfat yogurt, and fewer than one third order skimmed milk. Only 25 percent of schools say theyve reduced fats and oils in recipes.(Spake, 2). Choices at lunch range from greasy to unidentifiable. Most students eat school lunches fin days a week. So most of the food they eat passim the week comes from the school cafeteria. Although, the schools do t end to offer healthy choices much(prenominal) as salads, subs, skim milk, and bottomless fruits and vegetables. Each week Phoenix students are served a variety of fruits and vegetables from guava to grapes and jicima to red peppers. School officials hope that by exposing children to fruits and vegetable they may develop a taste for them and request their parents to get them.(Bailey, 1). Real meat is becoming an issue in schools. According to reports issued by the Physicians Committee for responsible Medicine (PCRM) the USDA dumps hundreds of millions of pounds of surplus beef, chicken, cheese, and pork barrel on the National School lunch Program.(Lord, 42). Chicken isnt whole snowy meat some of it doesnt even taste like meat tout ensembleows move on to unhealthy foods. There are unlimited amounts of un... ...ars of school. Once kids eat their lunches they normally want to go run virtually and use some of that energy from the food so they can support better in class. It is also a beloved thing to request because school gym is the only exercise most teens and children get throughout the day. It helps cut the growing rate of diabetes and obesity. Sports are also a good way to stay active and healthy. Not only are you ever moving and getting tons of exercise, but sports teams normally offer a good healthy snack after games such as truffle butter crackers and juice boxes or nutrition bars and bottled water. It all makes a huge difference in the development of children and teens. If we take these smaller steps to change, we can easily redirect the lives of children and teens health. Having more nutritious lunches can have a positive impact on the health of American teens.

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