Monday, October 7, 2019

Victim Assistance Office and Organizational Structure Assignment

Victim Assistance Office and Organizational Structure - Assignment Example In addition, the services to be offered in the office will be discussed. Other aspects to be analyzed include associate agencies necessary for the success of the office, outreach programs, and how to seek and receive funds. The office will have three posts including Prosecuting Attorney, Chief Assistant, Counselor and an Office Administrator. The Prosecuting Attorney must have a law degree from the internationally accredited university. The Prosecuting Attorney will be the overall manager of the office and will thus be in charge of the affairs of the victims. Secondly, the Chief Assistant, who is subordinate to the Prosecuting Attorney, must also have a law degree from the internationally accredited university. The Prosecuting Attorney will work in collaboration with the Chief Assistant in meeting the objectives of the office. Finally, the office administrator will be in charge of administrative duties at the office such as handling of victim records and correspondence. Counseling services will be provided by the Counselor. Associate agencies will include police departments. The police will help the office in ensuring that suspects are arrested. In addition, the police, especially the FBI, will help victims to carry out investigations. Community organizations will also help the office in ensuring that crime victims are assisted in coming up with the challenges that affect them. The victim assistance office main aim will be to provide direct assistance to individuals who have been affected by criminal activities. The counselor will ensure that the traumatized, as well as, confused victims are assisted. After counseling, the prosecuting attorney will be required to provide referrals to effective agencies that will help the victim in understanding the justice system. In the current society, there is still lack of knowledge on what should happen after crimes have been committed (Doyle, 2008). The victim assistance office will help  in creating and disseminating understandable information to crime victims.  

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